New research efficiency gel containing an extract of oak bark and extract of aloe under condition protamine periodontal


  • N. A. Tsubanova National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • N. V. Hohlenkova National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • D. S. Zhurenko National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • Imamuzo Mathew Iroko National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



gel, oak extract, aloe extract, protamіne periodontitis


This article investigates gum protector with new gel contains extract of oak bark and aloe under the experimental periodontitis. Studies were conducted on rats, which reproduce protamine periodontitis. In blood leukocytes and investigated the contents of the indicator erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). In homogenate ash measured elastase activity, catalase, glutathione content was determined and reagents tiobarbituric acid. As the comparator we used metrogyl denta. It was established that the new gel at the drug affects the comparison of clinical parameters protamine periodontitis (redness, swelling, erosive and necrotic changes). Gel containing oak bark extract and aloe extract has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, reducing leukocytosis and ESR. Significant advantages of the new gel is its ability to influence the pathogenesis of periodontitis unlike Metrogyl gel found to influence the activity of elastase, catalase and glutathione indicators and reagents tiobarbituric acid is the reactant.


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Pharmacology and biochemistry