Efficiency of the new ointment “allergolik” on the experimental model of turpentine-indused dermatitis in rats


  • L. M. Maloshtan National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • Esam A. Zurgani Zeghdani National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • L. O. Shakina National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine




licorice root extract, anti-inflammatory activity, turpentine-indused dermatitis


For topical medication of the inflammatory skin diseases are promising herbal medicinal products. The anti-inflammatory effect of the ointment "Allergolik", which contained the dry extract of licorice rhizome, and the reference drug (2% ointment "Fladeks") was studed on the model of turpentine-indused dermatitis in rats. Effectiveness of the ointment "Allergolik" was evaluated by the total number of leukocytes and leukocyte composition in the peripheral blood, the skinfold thickness and the state of the skin. Based on our studies it was shown that the ointment "Alergolik" had a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and was more active drug compared with reference drug "Fladeks."


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Pharmacology and biochemistry