The study of the influence of beans thick extracts and remedies based on it on the condition of coagulation homeostasis in the rats with experimental diabetes mellitus type 2


  • V. A. Rybak National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • L. N. Maloshtan National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



streptozotocin-induced diabetes, coagulation hemostasis, quercetin, acetylsalicylic acid, thick bean extract, tablets «Gliphasonorm», capsules «Gliphasolin»


On the basis of the conducted studies we have found that during the use in the treatment of the rats with diabetes type 2 the thick extract beans, pills "Hlifasonorm" and capsules "Hlifasolin", in a comparative aspect with acetylsalicylic acid and quercetin, have confirmed the presence of a coherent action in capsules "Hlifasolin" on time blood clotting, blood plasma recalcification time, prothrombin index and quantity of fibrinogen. Thus, the use of pills “Hlifasonorm" and caps" Hlifasolin "in the treatment of diabetes type 2 will make it possible to prevent imbalance prothrombotic and fibrinolytic properties of blood.


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Pharmacology and biochemistry