The study of yohimbine hydrochloride influence on processes of growth and enlargement in rats of different sex and age as spicific aspect of its drug safety


  • A. L. Zagayko National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • D. V. Lytkin National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



yohimbine hydrochloride, somatotropin, body weight


Yohimbine hydrochloride is a common compound of medicines and dietary supplements misused by athletes to improve results and fitness. These dietary supplements used by sportspersons irrespective of age and gender, and theirs therapeutic regimen is rather long-term. In this mode, the use of this drug can cause not only common side effects (tachycardia, increased blood pressure, tremor, headache etc.) by the exposure to sympathoadrenal system, but also have a negative impact on other regulatory systems of the body, particularly on hypothalamic-pituitary axis (somatotropin secretion). To simulate this therapeutic regimen of yohimbine in model animals, yohimbine hydrochloride was intragastrically administered various rats of age and sex daily per 0.34 mg/kg for 21 days. For an unbiased assessment of the influence of the drug on the growth and enlargement processes, the dynamics of animal`s body weight and serum somatotropin content were studied. The data indicate that yohimbine hydrochloride reduced the dynamics of weight gain and serum somatotropin level in rats. Especially, it observed in animals of prepuberty age. These data predict the potential harm to young athletes who take yohimbine and justify the restrictions on the use of medicines and dietary supplements with yohimbine hydrochloride within certain age groups of consumers.


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Pharmacology and biochemistry