The study of nitrates and inorganic elements compositions contents in types of genus Carduus l. Herbs and extracts


  • T. I. Balanchuk National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Ukraine
  • A. V. Mazulin Zaporozhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine
  • T. V. Oproshanska National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • A. O. Ostapenko Zaporozhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine



ionometric, atomic emission spectroscopy methods, herbs, flowers, leaves, Carduus nutans L., Carduus acanthoides L., nitrates, inorganic elements, lyophilized water extracts, hepatoactive, hepatoprotective, antioxidant actions


By ionometric and atomic emission spectroscopy methods has been used for research. The contents of nitrates and 15 inorganic elements has been determined in groves of genus Carduus L. herbs and extracts. The herbs of Carduus nutans L. genus: Carduus nutans L., Carduus acanthoides L. species are perspective for use as hepatoactive, hepatoprotective  and antioxidant drugs. The content of nitrates in flowers (leaves) of  Сarduus L. genus:  Carduus nutans L. (mg/1000 g),  up to 180,90+15,33 (220,14+18,33); Carduus acanthoides L. (mg/1000 g), up to 188,86+15,67 (228,30+20,72) has been determined. The herbs  of  Carduus nutans L., Carduus acanthoides L. are contented of macro- and  micro- inorganic elements (K, Ca, Mg, Fe) in sufficiently high concentrations; the inorganic element (Sr) in chronic values; the  inorganic elements (Pb, Co, Cd, As, Hg)  in significant  concentrations. The contents of  nitrates in lyophilized water extracts  of  herbs of  Carduus nutans L., Carduus acanthoides L. up to 27,0-31,5%; inorganic elements up to 10,5-11,0% has been determined.


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Pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy