Mechanisms of metformin influence on the nitrogen oxide system investigation at experimental insulin resistance in rats




insulin resistance, metformin, endothelium, nitric oxide


Topicality. Cardiovascular complications are among the leading causes of death in the world. It is known that diseases associated with insulin resistance, are often accompanied by endothelial dysfunction and cardiovascular continuum.
Aim. It is reasonable to investigate metformin mechanisms effect on the functional state of endothelium at experimental insulin resistance.
Materials and methods. The syndrome of insulin resistance was designed on Wistar rats – males by mass of a 180-220 g and age 3 months in the beginning of experiment, by daily long period intraperitoneal Dexamethazonum injections in low doses (15 mg/kg) in low-calorie diet conditions (29 % fats – predominantly saturated lipids ), rich in fructose (1 g per day per 100 g of body weight) (water solution ) over 5 weeks.
Results and discussion. The results indicate that in a model pathology group on 5 week of experiment, metformin significantly increases the total content of nitrates and nitrites and mediates a moderate, but significant increase in levels
of citrulline, with a slight decrease in the arginine content.
Conclusions. The article presents the biochemical results mechanisms of influence on the nitrogen oxide system by the oral hypoglycemic agent metformin experimental investigation at experimental insulin resistance in rats. This pattern of changes suggests a clinically significant influence of metformin on endothelium functional state that can be interpreted as a manifestation of endothelium protection properties.

Author Biographies

A. L. Zagayko, National University of Pharmacy

d. biol. s., professor, head of the biological chemistry department

T. O. Briukhanova, National University of Pharmacy

assistant of the department of biological chemistry


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Pharmacology and biochemistry