Rationalization of costs for antibiotic therapy of community-aquiredpneumonia in hospital





community-acquired pneumonia, antibiotic therapy, ATC/DDD-methodology, cost minimization analysis, NNT-index


Topicality. Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is the leading cause of death in the group of infectious diseases and leads to huge economic damage in all countries of the world. To rationalize the choice of medicines and minimize the costs for treatment of CAP without reducing its effectiveness, pharmacoeconomic studies in this area are important.

Aim. To minimize the costs of antibiotic therapy for inpatients with CAP without reducing the effectiveness of treatment based on cost minimization analysis and NNT coefficient calculation.

Materials and methods. Retrospective analysis of medical records andtreatment sheets of inpatients with community-acquired pneumonia; analysis of the Protocols for treatment of community-acquired pneumoniaaccording to the order of the Ministry  of Health of Ukraine No. 128 of March 19, 2007; frequency analysis of used antibiotics; ATC/DDD-methodology; cost minimization analysis.

Results and discussion. It has been established correspondence of used antibiotics for inpatients with a list of recommended antibiotics in Protocol of treatment of CAP by order of Ministry of Health of Ukraine. It has been found that when using the cheapest generics of antibiotics for the treatment of CAP, a significant saving of money is obtained.

Conclusions. It is shown that for the money spent on antibiotic therapy of 1000 inpatients treated by the most expensive generic with INN cefepime, treatment of 3.670 patients can be provided when replacing the cheapest generic; with INN ceftriaxone – 14.740 patients; with INN levofloxacin – 3.290 patients; with INN amoxicillin and clavulanic acid – 2.470 patients; with INN azithromycin – 8.100 patients and with INN amikacin – 3.150 patients.


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Pharmacology and biochemistry