Study the influence of aqueous extract of Lemna minor frond on elemental status in rats with experimental hypothyroidism




aqueous extract of Lemna minor frond, experimental hypothyroidism, merkazolil, thyroid hormones, elemental status


Topicality. From the literature, it is known that one of the consequences of hypothyroidism is an elemental change in the status of the blood. However, there are no experimental data on the correction of elemental balance disorders in thyroid hypofunction, especially with the use of phytotherapy.
Aim. To study the influence of aqueous extract of Lemna minor frond on elemental status in rats with experimental hypothyroidism.
Materials and methods. The study of influence of aqueous extract of Lemna minor frond was carried out on experimental models of merkazolil-induced hypothyroidism. Serum thyroid hormone content, macro- and microelements
were examined.
Results and discussion. It is established that use of Lemna minor frond aqueous extract leds to elemental balance recovery in rats on the basis of experimental hypothyroidism, the increasing of sodium, chlorine, phosphorus, magnesium,
zinc, iron content was manifested and the reducing of calcium and copper were mentioned.
Conclusions. The findings of research allow to recommend the aqueous extract of Lemna minor frond as a regulator of element status in organism with thyroid hypothyroidism.

Author Biographies

A. Kononenko, National University of Pharmacy

c. pharm. s., associate professor of the human physiology and anatomy department

V. Kravchenko, National University of Pharmacy

d. biol. s., professor of the human physiology and anatomy department


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Pharmacology and biochemistry