Mirtazapine methods of identification suitable for the chemical and toxicological analysis. Development and study





mirtazapine, thin layer chromatography, UV-spectrum


Topicality. Mirtazapine is a thymoleptic used in pharmacotherapy for depressive disorders of different severe levels. Repeated cases of fatal mirtazapine poisonings have been reported. Development of available and reliable methods for the chemical and toxicological analysis of mirtazapine is an actual task.

Aim. The main goal of our scientific research is to develop conditions for mirtazapine detection when performing general TLC-screening and the antidepressant identification by UV spectrophotometry.

Materials and methods. Chromatographic mirtazapine mobility in thin sorbent layers has been studied in 17 mobile phases and including those recommended by TIAFT, using four types of chromatographic plates. A number of chromogenic reagents have been examined for visualization. UV spectrum of mirtazapine has been studied in hydrochloric acid solution with concentration of 0.1 mol∙L-1.

Results and discussion. Chromatographic systems with low hRf  correlation for mirtazapine were found and they are suitable for general toxicological screening. In acidic solution UV spectrum of mirtazapine had light absorption maxima at 253, 273 and 316 nm wavelength.

Conclusions. Combined use of mobile phases: ethyl acetate – methanol – 25 % ammonia solution (85:10:5), methanol – 25% ammonia solution (100 : 1.5), cyclohexane – toluene– diethylamine (75 : 15 : 10) provides reliable detection of mirtazapine when performing TLC screening. The presence of specific light absorption in the UV region of  spectrum for mirtazapine has been established.


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Pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy