The experimental study of antihypoxic and antioxidant indolinoren activity


  • A. Yu. Markina Institute for Continuing Education of Pharmacy Professionals at the National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • O. Ya. Mishchenko Institute for Continuing Education of Pharmacy Professionals at the National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



indolinoren, antihypoxic activity, antioxidant activity, mexidol, ionol


Topicality. The modern medicine prefers the diuretics, which along with the diuretic effect exhibit other pharmacological activities: e.g., anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antioxidant, antihypoxic, which complements their pharmacodynamics.

Aim. To study the antihypoxic investigation and antioxidant activities of the new potential diuretic substance – indolinoren.

Materials and methods. The investigation of an antihypoxic activity was conducted on nonlinear white male rats with weight of 180-200 g using the on the model of hypoxia with hypercapnia. The antioxidant activity research was carried out in vitro using the system model of yolk lipoprotein. As reference drugs mexidol and ionol were used.

Results and discussions. It was established that indolinoren at dose of 29.5 mg/kg reveals antihypoxic properties, as evidenced by a significant extension (2 times) of lifespan of animals compared to the control group. While studying the antioxidant properties it was found that indolinoren significantly reduces the accumulation of TBA-reactive products taken in all experimental doses (50, 100, 200 mg/ml) that may indicate suppression of lipid peroxidation.

Conclusions. The presence of antioxidant and antihypoxic properties complement pharmacodynamics of indolinoren – perspective diuretic agent. 

Author Biographies

A. Yu. Markina, Institute for Continuing Education of Pharmacy Professionals at the National University of Pharmacy

Senior Assistant, Aspirant of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology

O. Ya. Mishchenko, Institute for Continuing Education of Pharmacy Professionals at the National University of Pharmacy

pharm. s., professor, head of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology


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Pharmacology and biochemistry