The study of the thick bean extract hypoglicemic action on the model of dithizonic diabetes


  • V. A. Rybak National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



dithizonic diabetes, hypoglycemic activity, metformin, glibenclamide, thick bean extract


Topicality. An intensive approach to therapy is currently the basis of treating diabetes concept. This approach provides achievement of target parameters in patients’ carbohydrate metabolism both with newly diagnosed diabetes and with diabetes of various degrees of severity.

Aim. To study the effect of the thick bean extract (TBE), metformin and glibenclamide on the dynamics of the animals’ body weight, the glucose level in the blood and urine, HbA1c blood levels in rabbits with dithizonic diabetes.

Materials and methods. Absolute insulin deficiency of direct β-cytotoxic genesis was induced by intravenous injection of dithizone (35 mg/kg of the body weight) to male rabbits weighing 2.5-3.0 kg previously starved for 16-18 hours.

Results and discussion. A long-term administration of TBE, metformin and glibenclamide did not affect the secretory capacity of the pancreatic β-cells, but improved the metabolic processes in erythrocytes by reducing the level of HbA1c in the blood of animals with dithizonic diabetes. TBE reduced the glucose level in the urine of animals with dithizonic diabetes, exceeded the action of metformin and had practically the same action as glibenclamide.

Conclusions. TBE is a promising hypoglycemic agent in the complex therapy of acute insulin deficiency, as well as treatment of type 2 diabetes.

Author Biography

V. A. Rybak, National University of Pharmacy

cand. biol. science, Associate professor of the Pathological Physiology department


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Pharmacology and biochemistry