Experimental study of the toxic effects of tobacco smoke and nitrites on the body of immature and mature rats





tobacco smoke, sodium nitrite, rats, nitrite-ion, methemoglobin


Topicality. In the context of the progression of man-made pollution of the environment a priority for Toxicology and Medicine is the study of the characteristics and mechanisms of the combined effect of xenobiotics – risk factors for many environmentally related diseases.
The aim of these studies was to investigate the cytotoxicity and markers of endogenous intoxication when exposed to the body of immature and mature rats sodium nitrite poisoning on against the background of 15 days intoxication with tobacco smoke.
Material and methods. Experiments were performed on immature and mature rats, which during the 15 days exposed to tobacco smoke. 24 hours before the end of the experiment one animal group was treated with sodium nitrite at a dose of 45 mg/kg body weight, sodium nitrite second was administered 72 hours before euthanasia. The rats were taken out of the experiment under thiopental anesthesia. In the serum and organs of animals determined by the content of nitrite ion, in the blood – methemoglobin content and erythrocyte index of intoxication.
Results and discussion. Experimental results confirmed that the complication of exposure to tobacco smoke by introducing into the body of sodium nitrite in rats causes a marked change in the nitrite ion content of methemoglobin and permeability of erythrocyte.
Conclusions. It was found that the most sensitive to the effects of tobacco smoke and sodium nitrite are immature rats.

Author Biographies

P. G. Lykhatskyi, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University

C. biol. s., assistant professor of the medical biochemistry department

L. S. Fira, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University

D. biol. c., professor, head of the pharmacy department NNI PO


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Pharmacology and biochemistry