Experimental study of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs application under using low-intensity infrared laser radiation





osteoarthrosis, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, diclofenac sodium, glucosamine, low-intensity infrared laser radiation, lasertherapy, high-performance liquid chromatography


Topicality. The combined application of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and low-intensity infrared laser radiation (LIIRLR) for treatment of osteoarthrosis has remained an actual task. Aim to study the NSAIDs usage under LIIRLR application in experiments in rats.
Materials and Methods. The time for LIIRLR application (15 min after drug administration) was chosen according to our previous studies on diclofenac sodium (DNa) pharmacokinetics in rats blood plasma. To study the NSAIDs application at the influence of LIIRLR, white beedless male rats (n=15) of 250-300 g were used in the experiments. The animals were divided into 3 groups. Rats of group the 1were received purified water (per os) and exposed to LIIRLR. Rats of group the 2 were received DNa at a dose of ED50 (per os, 8 mg/kg). Rats of group the 3 were influenced of LIIRLR and in 15 min received DNa (per os, 8 mg/kg). For DNa extraction from rat plasma samples, the method of solid-phase extraction was used. Concentration of DNa was determined by method of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).
Results. It was established that at the combined use LIIRLR and DNa the drug concentration in the rats blood serum was 1.7 fold higher in comparison to DNa application alone.

Conclusions. It is proved, that the method of combine application of LIIRLRand NSAIDs (in 15 min) was more effective than the use of NSAIDs alone.

Author Biography

L. V. Brun, National University of Pharmacy

C. biol. s., professor, assistant professor


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Pharmacology and biochemistry