Study of the influence of extract from the leaves of Corylus avellana on coagulation hemostasis




extract from the leaves of Corylus avellana, thrombophlebitis, anticoagulant activity


Topicality. In consequence, insufficiently studied of the pharmacological actions of Corylus avellana, folk medicine makes it more important significance than scientific. in this connection pharmacological study of Corylus avellana is
reasonable in terms of expanding field of application of this herb, including the study of its anticoagulant action.
Aim. To study the effect of the extract from the leaves of Corylus avellana on the coagulation hemostasis in experimental model of thrombophlebitis of peripheral veins in rabbits.
Materials and methods. The object of the study was a thick extract from the leaves of Corylus avellana. The study of the anticoagulant effect of the extract was carried out on the model of experimental thrombosis of peripheral veins in
rabbits using screening tests for the assessment of coagulation hemostasis.
Results and discussion. It has been established that the investigated extract affects the intrernal pathway formation of prothrombinase and the final stage of blood clotting – fibrin formation. Prolongation of APTT has indicates a
direct anticoagulant effect of the extract from the leaves of Corylus avellana, expression that action prevails comparison drug eskuvit.
Conclusions. The obtained results allow to recommend the extract from the leaves of Corylus avellana as a therapeutic and preventive remedy in order to prevent the spread of thrombosis with thrombophlebitis and thrombosis.

Author Biographies

A. S. Kalenichenko, National University of Pharmacy

Postgraduate student of the human physiology and anatomy department

L. N. Maloshtan, National University of Pharmacy

D. biol. s., professor, head of the human physiology and anatomy department

Yu. A. Fedchenkova, National University of Pharmacy

C. pharm. s, associate professor of the Pharmacognosy department


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Pharmacology and biochemistry