Phenolic compounds of Cornus mas and Cornus officinalis




Cornus mas, Cornus officinalis, phenolic compounds


Topicality. Cornus mas is a valuable fruit, medicinal and ornamental plant from the family Cornaceae, which is widely distributed in the natural flora in Ukraine and it is widely cultivated. Cornus officinalis is only cultivated in Ukraine
as an ornamental plant. Previously, we have studied the acid, terpenic and mineral composition of dogwoods, but the composition of the phenolic compounds is still studied insufficiently.
Aim. To study the composition and the content of Cornus mas and Cornus officinalis leaves and flowers phenolic compounds .
Materials and methods. The determination of phenolic compounds in leaves and flowers of Cornus mas and in flowers of Cornus officinalis was carried out by the HPLC method on a chromatograph Agilent Technologies.
Results and discussion. The content of flavonoids in leaves of Cornus mas is 847.6 mg/100 g, in flowers – 1704.9 mg/100 g; in flowers of Cornus officinalis – 1448.9 mg/100 g (in terms of rutin). The content of acids in flowers of Cornus mas is 41.5 mg/100 g, in flowers of Cornus officinalis – 124.9 mg/100 g (in terms of chlorogenic acid). In leaves of Cornus mas rutin was identified, in flowers of Cornus mas and Cornus officinalis – chlorogenic and ellagic acids, rutin, kaempferol-3-O-glucoside and quercetin. The flavonoid rutin predominates in the all studied samples.
Conclusions. Using the HPLC method in leaves and flowers of Cornus mas and in the flowers of Cornus officinalis the composition and the content of phenolic compounds were determined. Results of the study of leaves of Cornus mas were used for the standardization of raw materials.


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Pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy