Substantiation of the film-forming agent selection in the composition of spray with copper and silver citrate




veterinary drug, antiseptic spray, film-forming agent, copper and silver citrate


Topicality. Mastitis continues to be the most common disease of dairy cows. In order to prevent the infection of the mammary gland in cows, the udders were treated with a suitable disinfectant, by spraying or full immersion in the
Aim of this work the choice of a film-forming agent in the composition of copper and silver citrates containing spray and the effect of the film-forming agent on the quality parameters of the antiseptic agent.
Materials and methods. As the research objects have been selected: film-forming agent: sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), macrogol-400, polyquaternium 10. The quantitative content of silver ions in the spray was determined thiocyanometric measurement. The quantitative content of copper ions, dexpanthenol; potentiometric determination of pH and statistical analysis of the results was carried out in accordance with the requirements of the S.Ph.U.
Results and discussion. Samples of CMC-containing spray 0.3 %, 0.5 % and 1 % were sticky and formed a thick film which did not meet the requirements of normative and technical document (NTD) in terms of “Relative density”. The conducted studies allowed us to conclude that it is inappropriate to introduce macrogol-400 as a film-forming agent in an amount from 10 % to 20 % into the composition of the combined spray for the veterinary use. Spray obtained with its use form very thin film, and when applied to the skin is washed out quickly. In addition, the samples do not meet the requirements of the NTD.
Conclusions. It has been established that the optimum film-forming agent in composition of antiseptic spray is polyquaternium 10 in the amount of 0.5 %, which allowed to obtain a film with predictable properties, and the preparation itself meets the requirements of the design developed by the normative and technical documentation for all indicators of quality.


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Biopharmaceutical research