A comparative study diuretic activity of Galium verum various extracts





Galium verum, diuretic activity, Equisetum arvense


Topicality. Edema syndrome is a common manifestation of different pathologies. Search for new diuretics is a topical issue of modern medicine and pharmacy. Natural medications in most cases have a more favorable safety profile, so the study of plant diuretics is a promising direction. The chemical composition of the G. verum is characterized by a high content of flavonoids, anthracene derivatives and terpenoids, which suggests the presence of diuretic activity.        The aim of our work was a comparative study of the aqueous and alcoholic extracts of G. verum diuretic activity in rats.                                                    Materials and methods. Studies of diuretic activity were carried out in rats according to the Berkhin’s method. The subject of the study were aqueous and alcoholic extracts of G. verum (extragent – ethanol 20 %, 60 % and 96 %). As a reference preparation, the infusion of Equisetum arvense was used.                Results and disscusion. The results obtained indicate that the most pronounced diuretic effect was found in the alcoholic extract of G. verum (extragent – 60 % ethanol), which was comparable to that of the reference preparation. The least pronounced activity was observed with the administration of an aqueous extract. Conclusions. Thus, promising for further studies of diuretic activity is the alcoholic extract of G. verum (extragent – 60 % ethanol).


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Pharmacology and biochemistry