Research of mineral composition of Helichrysum bracteatum herbal drugs




Helichrysum bracteatum, mineral composition, atomic emission spectrophotometry, ash


Topicality. Given the increasing demand in herbal drugs, it is very important to develop a base of medicinal plants raw materials for the pharmaceutical industry. Another relevant issue is the substitution of imported medicinal plant by domestic. This allows, on the one hand, to expand the range of products in order to maximize the needs of the Ukrainian population for high-performance medicines and dietary supplements based on herbal drugs, on the other hand, domestic substance of medicinal plants is cheaper than imported, which will allow them to compete successfully in the price of the finished product.
Aim. To study the mineral composition of the herbal drugs of immortelle (Helichrysum bracteatum) using the atomic-emission spectrographic method.
Materials and methods. The herbal drugs of immortelle were used for the study. The analysis was carried out as for flowers, herb and roots. To study the qualitative composition and content of minerals, one of the modern and sensitive methods of analysis as atomic-emission spectrographic method was used.
Results and discussion. The presence of fifteen minerals and their quantitative content were determined. These experimental data indicate a diverse mineral composition in the herbal drugs being investigated, and the value of herbal drugs in terms of quantitative indicators. The results of study the trace elements content indicated that roots of the immortelle contain more minerals than herb, and flowers – less. The total of all elements in the investigated herbal drugs (mg/100 g): herb – 4653.25; flowers – 2647.89. roots – 6835.25.
Conclusions. For the first time an analysis of the mineral composition of flowers, herbs and roots of the immortelle were carried out. Undoubtedly, such a rich mineral composition will cause high biological activity and this plant can be considered as promising for a complete phytochemical study with the purpose of identifying biologically active substances and determining the types of their activity and creating on the basis of immortelle medicinal drugs.


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Pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy