Study of bark Ulmus carpinifolia elemental composition in comparison with elemental composition of the soil




elm carpinifolia, bark, soil, elemental composition


Topicality. Continuing to study the promising species of Ulmus, which are common in Ukraine, we studied the bark of Ulmus carpinifolia elemental composition in comparison with the soil.

Aim. To study the bark of Ulmus carpinifolia elemental composition, family Ulmaceae in comparison with the soil.

Materials and methods. The raw materials harvested at the exhibitions in the Botanical Garden of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Elemental composition determined by the method of atomic emission spectrography with photographic recording of results on the device DFS-8 in comparison with standard mixtures of mineral compounds.

Results and discussion. The analysis showed the presence of 17 macro- and microelements identified and determined in raw material, among them there are 4 macro- and 13 trace elements. For the bark, the following pattern of accumulation of macroelements were observed: K > Si > Ca > Na > P, trace elements Fe > Al > Mn > Zn > Cu > Mo > Pb > Ni > Co > Cd > As > Hg. In soil, macroelements accumulated in the following order: K > Si > Ca > Na > P and trace elements in the following: Fe > Al > Mn > Zn > Cu.

Conclusions. The results of study the elemental composition of Ulmus carpinifolia bark and soil under this plant were showed. The presence of 17 macro- and microelements was determined , the high content of potassium, calcium and silicon in feed and in soil was proved.

Author Biographies

I. A. Danylova, National University of Pharmacy

PhD in Pharmacy, Assistant of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

O. S. Mala, National University of Pharmacy

PhD in Pharmacy, Associate Professor of the Department of Botany


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Pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy