Flavonoids and antioxidant activity of safflower


  • O. V. Barashovets National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6685-0572
  • N. V. Popova National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • N. Y. Bondarenko National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • M. Ye. Blazheevsky National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine




safflower flowers, HPLC analysis, flavonoids, hydroxycinnamic acids, antioxidant activity


Topicality. In Ukraine, there is a significant raw material base for safflower but almost no experimental data of the chemical composition of raw materials, therefore the study of domestic samples of safflower is relevant.

The purpose of our work was to study the composition and content of flavonoids in flowers and herb of safflower, and analysis of the antioxidant activity of the extract of safflower.

Materials and methods of researche. With the help of the HPLC analysis it was determined the composition and content of a number of compounds. The following compounds have been identified: flavonoids: cynaroside, helichrysin, naringenin, isosalipurposide, hydroxycinnamic acids: caffeic and chlorogenic. It was established composition of flavonoids and hydroxycinnamic acids of flowers and herb of safflower. It has been experimentally established that I / I0 is 50% achieved with a diluted aqueous extract of 7.5: 1000 for flowers, indicating a high antioxidant property of the extract.

Conclusions. New for flowers and herbs of safflower are naringenin, isosalipurposide, helichrysin. Flowers of safflower are promising herbal materials for the study and creation of medicinal preparations with antioxidant effect.

Author Biographies

O. V. Barashovets, National University of Pharmacy

postgraduate student of the department of nutriciology and pharmaceutical bromatology

N. V. Popova, National University of Pharmacy

d. pharm. s., professor, head of the department of nutriticiology and pharmaceutical bromatology

N. Y. Bondarenko, National University of Pharmacy

candidate (PhD) of  pharmaceutical sciences., associate professor, department of physical and colloidal chemistry

M. Ye. Blazheevsky, National University of Pharmacy

d. chem s., professor, department of physical and colloidal chemistry


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Pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy