Hepatotropic drugs: a study of the range and socio-economic availability in Ukraine for 2015-2017





chronic liver diseases, hepatotropic drugs, socio-economic accessibility


Topicality. Liver diseases remain an important health problem in Ukraine and around the world. The increase of chronic liver diseases is called the “second epidemic of our century” after the “epidemic” of cardiovascular disease. Hepatotropic drugs (HTD) are the major in treatment of liver diseases.

Aim. To research the range and socio-economic availability of HTDs in Ukraine for 2015-2017.

Materials and methods. Analysis of the HTDs range was carried out according to the data retrieval system “Pharmstandard” of the company “Morion”. The socio-economic availability of drugs was investigated in terms of the adequacy of solvency (Cas.s.), showing the percentage of wages in % for a monthly course of treatment.

Results and dicussion. The range of HTDs in Ukrainian pharmaceutical market is quite wide and is presented during 2015-2017. 181-173 trade names (TH) based on 7 INN. The most accessible for the monthly course of treatment of patients with chronic liver diseases are herbal hepatoprotectors of silymarin – A05B A03 (72.2-72.7 %) and their combinations – A05B A53 (66.6 %). Other hepatotropic drugs were less accessible to the public, especially preparations of ursodeoxycholic acid and ornithine oxoglurate, which are generally classified as low accessible.

Conclusions. Despite the considerable range of HTDs in the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine, their availability indicators for 2015-2017 gradually declined for the population of Ukraine.

Author Biographies

O. Gerush, “Bukovinian State Medical University”

PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Pharmacy of Higher State Educational Establishment in Ukraine “Bukovinian State Medical University”

L. Iakovlieva, National University of Pharmacy

Doctor of Pharmacy, professor, head of the Department of Pharmacoeconomics

O. Tkachova, National University of Pharmacy

Doctor of Pharmacy, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the department of Pharmacoeconomics


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Pharmacology and biochemistry