Hyaluronic acid: biosynthesis and application





hyaluronic acid, biopolymers, microbial synthesis, medicine, cosmetology, optimization of biosynthesis


Topicality. Hyaluronic acid with its antimicrobial and antiviral properties has found applications in medicine and cosmetics. Due to the high molecular weight, it prolongs the action of the active pharmaceutical components. The application spectrum of hyaluronic acid and hyaluronic acid-based products is increasing permanently. Therefore, new microbial producers of hyaluronic acid and new technologies for its biosynthesis are intensively developed. 

Aim. To compile integration of the advances in producers selection, and advances in the development of technologies and the hyaluronic acid applications.

Results and discussion. The strains from the genera Streptococcus and Pasteurella are the main bacterial producers of hyaluronic acid. However, they are able to synthesize hyaluronic acid in concentrations lower than 7 g/l after 120 hours of cultivation and their use limited by potential pathogenic properties. To improve technological parameters of biosynthesis, new genetically modified strains of Lactococcus lactis, Corynebacterium glutamicum, Escherichia coli, and Pichia pastoris were constructed. The highest yield of hyaluronic acid, 8.3 g/l , is observed during the cultivation of C. glutamicum for 48 hours.

Conclusions. Searching and construction of new hyaluronic acid producers and  biotechnological improving when cultivated are the major points in the development of hyaluronic acid production for pharmaceuticals and cosmetic applications.

Author Biographies

I. V. Lych, National University of Food Technologies

PhD, Associate Professor Department of Biotechnology and Microbiology

A. O. Uhryn, National University of Food Technologies

Master’s student Program Subject Area 162 “Biotechnology and Bioengineering”, Еducational program “Industrial Biotechnology”

I. M. Voloshina, Kyiv National University of Technologies and DesignHyaluronic acid: biosynthesis and application

PhD, Associate Professor of Department biotechnology, leather and furs


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