Study of the anti-inflammatory activity of Ledum palustre shoots polysaccharides complex




anti-inflammatory activity, polysaccharides of Ledum palustre shoots, carrageenan edema, zymosan edema


Topicality. Most of the respiratory diseases are accompanied by cough. In addition, many etiological cough factors are associated with the respiratory inflammatory process.
Aim. To investigate the anti-inflammatory properties of the new Ledum palustre shoots polysaccharides complex at the most effective dose (100 mg/kg).
Materials and methods. Experimental investigations of anti-inflammatory properties of Ledum palustre shoots polysaccharides complex at usual dose of 100 mg/kg on the model of carrageenan and zymosan edema in rats.
Results and discussion. According to the results of the study, the mechanism of anti-exudative action of the first obtained polysaccharides of Ledum palustre shoots was discovered. The phytocomplex at a dose of 100 mg/kg on the model of zymosan swelling reliably reduced swelling of the paw in rats by 66.71 % compared with the control group. On the carragine edema model, the polysaccharides complex from the basal sprouts moderately reduced swelling. The anti-inflammatory activity was 31.32 % in comparison with the controled group, which resulted in the phyto-complex taking the referent drug action, whose effectiveness was 44.21 %.
Conclusions. The polysaccharides of Ledum palustre shoots in a dose of 100 mg/kg demonstrated a pronounced anti-edema and ability to suppress the synthesis of leukotrienes and moderately affect the prostaglandins synthesis.

Author Biographies

K. S. Tolmachova, National University of Pharmacy

postgraduate student of the Department of Pharmacotherapy

I. V. Kireiev, National University of Pharmacy

Dr. habil. of Medicine, Professor, head of the Department of Pharmacotherapy

O. M. Koshoviy, National University of Pharmacy

Dr. habil. of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor, head of the Department of Pharmacognosy

T. V. Upyr, National University of Pharmacy

Candidate of Pharmacy (Ph.D.), assistant at the Department of Pharmacognosy


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Pharmacology and biochemistry