Study of phenolic composition of medicine in the form of androgenic action capsules




androgenic action, capsules, identification, phenolic compounds, quality indicators


Topicality. Taking into account sexual pathologies prevalence and the male fertility reduction , as well as the limited availability of medicines for the prevention and treatment of these disorders in the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine, it is important to expand their nomenclature by creating new extemporal medicines based on natural raw materials and amino acids.

Aim. To identify the phenolic compounds of developed extemporal medicine in the form of androgenic action capsules.

Materials and methods. The study of phenolic composition of the developed medicine under the conditional name “Apinin” has been carried out using the methods specified in the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine, results of which allowed to evaluate objectively the developed capsules quality.

Results and discussion. During the conducted studies of the phenolic compounds identification, it was found the appearence of identical spots on chromatograms of tested alcoholic solution of “Apinin” capsules and FGPP alcoholic solution. Correspondence to compounds of phenolic nature: phenolecarboxylic acids, oxycoumarins, and flavones, as well as flavonols, are revealed. It was established that excipients introduced into the formulation do not interfere with the release of phenolic compounds from the formulation. The quantitative determination of phenolic compounds in the medicine performed by absorption spectrophotometry in the UV-region using a SF-46 device, followed by computerized processing of results of the study using the Spectrum software for Windows. The quantitative content of the amount of phenolic compounds in the medicine “Apinin” was determined, which amounts to 0.028 ± 0.001 g per capsule.

Conclusions. Methods for determining the qualitative composition of phenolic compounds of FGPP and their quantitative content in androgenic action capsules of extemporal production have been developed. One-way ascending chromatography on paper used to identify active pharmaceutical ingredients, and a spectrophotometric method used to study the quantitative content of phenolic compounds in medicine. Tests have been performed according to methods of the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine.

Author Biographies

K. Romas, National University of Pharmacy

PhD in Pharmacy, senior lecturer of Drug Technology Department

L. Vyshnevska, National University of Pharmacy

Doctor of Pharmacy, Professor, head of Drug Technology Department

T. Zubchenko, National University of Pharmacy

Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor of Drug Technology Department


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Pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy