The investigation of Pimpinella anisum elemental composition


  • S. Kolisnyk National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • U. Umarov National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • O. Hryshyna National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine state scientific institution “Institute for single crystals”, Ukraine
  • Yu. Kolisnyk National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • O. Altukhov National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



Pimpinella anisum, elemental composition, atomic emission spectrometry


Topicality. In medicine, anise oil is widely used and chemical studies of Pimpinella anisum are mainly devoted to establishing the composition of the components of the essential oil obtained from fruits; the aerial part of the plant and, in particular, its elemental composition are not well studied.

Aim. The aim of the work is to study the elemental composition of grass and fruits of Pimpinella anisum.

Materials and methods. For analysis, we used grass and fruits of Pimpinella anisum harvested in the summer of 2019 in Kharkov. The study has been carried out by atomic emission spectrometry. An alternating current arc has been  obtained using an SES-28 generator. To obtain the spectrum, a DFS-8 diffraction spectrograph used.

Results and discussion. It has been established that the qualitative elemental composition of grass and fruits of Pimpinella anisum is the same. Both types of raw materials contain 19 elements. Their distribution by quantity shows that K, Ca, Na, Mg, Si, P are dominant. The content of toxic elements does not exceed the limit-permissible concentrations.

Conclusions. By atomic emission spectrometry, the element composition of the Pimpinella anisum grass and fruits has been established. The study allows us to evaluate the Pimpinella anisum grass as a perspective source for phytopreparations based on it.

Author Biographies

S. Kolisnyk, National University of Pharmacy

Doctor of Pharmacy, Professor of the Department of Analytical Chemistry

U. Umarov, National University of Pharmacy

Postgraduate Student of the Department of Analytical Chemistry

O. Hryshyna, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine state scientific institution “Institute for single crystals”

Senior Engineer

Yu. Kolisnyk, National University of Pharmacy

PhD in Pharmacy, Assistant of the Department of Analytical Chemistry

O. Altukhov, National University of Pharmacy

PhD in Pharmacy, Associate Professor of the Department of Analytical Chemistry


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Pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy