The impact of beverages on the pharmacological action of drugs




drinks, beverages, drugs, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, compatibility


Topicality. Special literature does not pay enough attention to the effects of fluid used to drink medicinal products, and this topic is relevant for patients, doctors and pharmacists alike.

Aim. To analyze and generalize the materials containing the information about effects of different drinks on adsorption, metabolism and elimination, as well as the pharmacological effect of drugs.

Materials and methods. It has been used analytical, logical, generalization methods in the work.

Resultsand discussion.The article presents materials on the effect of water, milk, coffee, tea, mineral waters, and juices on the therapeutic activity of drugs of different pharmacological groups. Under the influence of different drinks, biotransformation of drugs occurs, the consequences of which is a decrease in their pharmacological activity and/or increased side effects. In the most cases, it is recommended to use drugs with water. But when using certain drugs, it is advisable to use other beverages (milk, mineral water, etc.). Rational use of liquid may reduce the risk of side effects during pharmacotherapy.

Conclusions. The data on the effect of the nature of the liquid on the bioavailability and pharmacological action of drugs has been analyzed and summarized. The rational use of liquid in the treatment of drugs can significantly increase the effectiveness of treatment and reduce their side effects with pharmacotherapy.

Author Biographies

O. Bohutska, National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Candidate of Pharmacy (PhD.), Associate Professor, Drug Technology Department

L. Vyshnevska, National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor, Head of Drug Technology Department


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