Study of organic acids in the alcoholic extract from bilberry leaves


  • I. O. Kolychev National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • T. O. Krasnikova National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • A. L. Zagayko National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • O. M. Koshovyi National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



blueberry, leaves, extract, organic acids


Continuing research of biological active substances in bilberry leaves and their products, we paid attention to the fact that the composition of organic acids hasn’t virtually been studied. So, the purpose of our research was studies of organic acids in the alcoholic extract from bilberry leaves. Investigation of the organic acids composition were determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry after esterification. Analysis of fatty acid methyl esters was performed by using gas chromatography-mass spectrometer 5973N / 6890N MSD / DS Agilent Technologies (USA). 31 organic acid were found in the alcoholic extract of bilberry leaves by chromatography-mass spectrometry and were assayed their quantitative content. Dominant compounds are oleic acid (23.28 %), palmitic acid (14.54 %), linoleic acid (18.87 %), linolenic acid (24.01 %), stearic acid (5.53 %), citric acid (3.99 %), and levulinic acid (3.46 %). The leaves of bilberry is a promising raw material for further study.

Author Biography

I. O. Kolychev, National University of Pharmacy

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Pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy