Study of acute toxicity of Prunus domestica leaves extract and organic acids in raw material


  • L. V. Lenchyk National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • I. V. Senyuk National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • Bashar Al-Jabbar Ali Sahlani National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



plum, leaves, gas chromatography mass spectrometry, organic acids, acute toxicity


Content and quantitative composition of the organic acid in plum leaves have been studied by Gas chromatography mass spectrometry on Agilent Technologies 6890 chromatograph with mass spectrometric detector 5973; chromatography column - INNOWAX, capillary diam.0.25 mmand a length of 30m; the rate of carrier gas (helium): 1.2 ml/min; heater temperature - 250°C; thermostat temperature was programmed from 50 to 250 °C with a speed of4 °C/ min. 29 organic acids were established. Overall, plant raw material contained 3.00% of the organic acids, including (%) – 0.56 fatty; 1.66 di- and three carboxylic; 0.10 phenol carboxylic acids and 0.63 phenolcarboxylic oxoacid (levulinic).  Linolenic and palmitic acid prevailed among fatty acids (mg / kg) 3039.44 and 1545.76, respectively. Among the phenolic acids, the most abundant was benzoic acid (226.08 mg / kg). Among the carboxylic acids, citric, malic and oxalic acids were the largest with- 5520.954; 4737.60 and 4591.85 mg / kg, respectively. Soft extract was obtained from the plum leaves and the study of its acute toxicity was carried out by Pastushenko T.V. express method on mice and rats. It was found that the extract is safe and it refers to a Class VI toxicity on the classification K.K Sidorov.


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Pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy