A comparative study of polyphenolic extracts antioxidant activity from different parts of fruit Vitis vinifera at insulin resistance.


  • A. Maloshtan National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • K. Strelchenko National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • A. Krasnoshchok National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine




Vitis vinifera, antioxidant activity, polyphenolic extract, insulin resistance


Topicality. The state of  antioxidant defense mechanisms of  our body plays an important role in the pathogenesis of diseases (ischemic heart disease and stroke), which according to WHO statistics are the main causes of mortality in the world. Often, these diseases are developed on the background of diabetes mellitus.

Aim. The purpose of this study was to compare the study (in vivo) of polyphenolic extracts effects from different parts of this grape fruit (flesh, peel and seeds) on the  antioxidant liver enzymes activity, the antioxidants presence, and the processes of lipids peroxide oxidation in it.

Materials and methods. Insulin resistance was modulated by a high-fructose diet. The influence of polyphenolic extracts from pulp, skins and seeds on antioxidant protection in liver of rats was studied; the effect was evaluated on the following indicators: catalase activity, superoxide dismutase activity, the content of reduced glutathione, α-tocopherol, and the effect on lipid peroxidation processes was  investigated.

Results and discussion. There has been experimentally established a statistically significant positive use effect of the PFE from different parts of Vitis vinifera in the early stages of insulin resistance caused by high fructose diet.

Conclusions. Polyphenolic extracts from peel and grape seeds have more significant antioxidant effect in vivo compared to polyphenolic extracts from pulp.

Author Biographies

A. Maloshtan, National University of Pharmacy

Candidate (PhD) of Biological science, Assistant of the Department of Biological Chemistry

K. Strelchenko, National University of Pharmacy

Candidate (PhD) of Biological science, Associate Professor, associate professor of Department of the biological chemistry

A. Krasnoshchok, National University of Pharmacy

post-graduate student of the Biological Chemistry department


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Pharmacology and biochemistry