Research of the phenolcarboxylic acids of Helichrysum bracteatum




immortelle, phenol carbonic acid, thin layer chromatography, HPLC


Topicality. The pharmaceutical industry requires an increase in the range and quantity of medicinal plants to produce new effective drugs. Drugs made on the basis of medicinal plants have a diverse and multifactorial pharmacological action. Expanding the range of medicinal plants, primarily due to the study of medicinal plants, widely used in traditional medicine, and plants systematically close to officinal plants. Phenolcarbonic acids have a high pharmacological effect and can be important as independent biologically active substances for medicines. In this regard, a special interest is the search for plants that contain a high content of phenol carboxylic acids, while having an extensive raw material base.
Aim. To study phenol carboxylic acids in herbal drugs of immortelle (Helicrysum bracteatum) by paper-, TLC and
Materials and methods. For the study, the herbal drugs of the immortelle was used. The analysis was carried out
separately in the flowers and herb of the plant. To identify phenolcarboxylic acids in the objects under study, 50 % aqueousalcoholic extracts were used, which were subjected to chromatographic analysis using thin-layer chromatography. For HPLC analysis, chromatography was performed on an Agilent Technologies 1200 liquid chromatograph. Methanol and a 0.1 % solution of formic acid in water were used as the mobile phase.
Results and discussion. As a result of the analysis, 8 phenolcarboxylic acids were determined in the herbal drugs under investigation: gallic, hydroxyphenyl acetic, caffeic, coumarovic, ferulic, synapic, cinamic, quinic acids. At the same time, quinic acid (33.11 %), synapic acid (29.91 %) and coumaric acid (20.55 %) are in large quantities in flowers, and quinic acid (85.23 %) is the main herb among phenol carboxylic acids. The remaining phenol carboxylic acids are contained in much smaller quantities.
Conclusions. For the first time, a study was conducted on the qualitative composition and content of herb phenol
carboxylic acids and flowers of immortelle bracts using TLC and HPLC methods. The data obtained from this study indicate the promise of further phytochemical studies of the immortelle of the bracts and the development on its basis of new drugs and dietary supplements.

Author Biographies

A. M. Moskalenko, National University of Pharmacy

PhD-student of the Department of Nutriciology and Pharmaceutical Bromatology

N. V. Popova, National University of Pharmacy

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor, head of the Department of Nutriciology and Pharmaceutical Bromatology


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Pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy