Study of the stability of combined vaginal suppositories containing acyclovir, Tea tree and Thyme essential oils during storage




acyclovir, Tea tree and Thyme essential oils, vaginal suppositories, genital herpes, virus of simple herpes., stability


Topicality. At the present stage of the health care industry development, genital herpes remains an important problem in gynecology. The main thing in the herpes infection treatment is the selective effect on the reproduction of the herpes simplex virus at different stages and the increase of resistance both at the cellular level and at the level of the whole organism. The most promising dosage form for the treatment of herpetic infection in gynecology remains vaginal suppositories (pessaries). The pessaries can introduce several active pharmaceutical ingredients based on synthetic and natural raw materials, which will create completely new, combined medicines and significantly expand the range of treatment regimens for genital herpes. Therefore, the creation of a new drug based on synthetic and natural raw materials in the form of vaginal suppositories for the treatment of genital herpes is relevant.
Aim. To study the stability and establish expiration dates on samples of combined vaginal suppositories (pessaries) containing acyclovir, tea tree and thyme essential oils during storage.
Materials and methods. To determine acyclovir, working standard samples of acyclovir were used (manufacturer Guimica Sintetica, S.A., Spain; supplier of PJSC “Lekhim-Kharkov”), which met the quality indicators of SPU 2.0, p. 290. For the analysis, class A measuring vessels, reagents, respectively SPU 2.0, analytical balance AB 204 S/A METTLER TOLEDO, spectrophotometer SPECORD 200-222U2B were used. Samples of pessaries with acyclovir and essential oils were experimentally prepared at the industrial site of PJSC “Lekhim-Kharkov”.
Results and discussion. The obtained experimental data during the storage indicated the combined vaginal suppositories containing acyclovir, tea tree and thyme essential oils stored in a PVC film in a dry place at a temperature of 8-15 °C and can withstand a shelf life of 2 years.
Conclusions. The stability of combined vaginal suppositories containing acyclovir, tea tree and thyme essential oils has been studied. It was established the 2 year shelf life and the conditions of combined vaginal suppositories containing acyclovir, tea tree essential oils and thyme.

Author Biographies

V. Chushenko, National University of Pharmacy

PhD in Pharmacy, Associate professor of the Department of Drug Technology

T. Yarnykh, National University of Pharmacy

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Drug Technology

Yu. Levachkova, National University of Pharmacy

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences., Associate professor of the Department of Drug Technology

O. Litvinova, National University of Pharmacy

post-graduate student of the Department of Drug Technology


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Biopharmaceutical research