Comparative research of the nephrotropic properties of modern non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs




nephrotoxic effect, analgesic nephropathy, diclofenac sodium, indomethacin, piroxicam, meloxicam, celecoxib


Topicality. Recently, there has been a growing body of work on the nephroxicity of NSAIDs in the literature. The degree of impaired renal function on the background of NSAIDs varies from a slight increase in blood creatinine to anuria. It is known that most NSAIDs have nephrotoxic effects, but the extent of their negative effects on the kidneys is different.
Aim. To comparatively study the effect of the most commonly used NSAIDs of different generations on the functional status of the kidneys in experimental animals.
Materials and methods. Diclofenac sodium, piroxicam, indomethacin, meloxicam and celecocosib were selected for the comparative study. The state of the kidneys excretory function of intact animals was evaluated according to the following indicators: water diuresis (2 hours); urea, creatinine content in the blood and urine, the level of TBK-active products in the kidney homogenate. The kidney mass ratio and glomerular filtration rate were calculated.

Results and discussion. The administration of indomethacin to intact rats resulted in a significant impairment of renal functional status. Piroxicam also showed a pronounced, albeit less than indomethacin, nephrotoxic effect. Meloxicam and diclofenac sodium produced a moderate nephrotoxic effect. When celecoxib was used, functional impairment of kidneys was observed, but the changes were unreliable.

Conclusions. According to the level of nephrotoxicity comparable drugs can be arranged as follows: indomethacin > piroxicam > diclofenac = meloxicam > celecoxib.

Author Biographies

K. Shchokina, National University of Pharmacy

Professor of the Department of Pharmacology

D. Semeniv, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University

Professor, head of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy and Drug Technology

S. Drogovoz, National University of Pharmacy

Professor of the Department of Pharmacology

G. Belik, National University of Pharmacy

Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacology

T. Kutsenko, National University of Pharmacy

Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacology


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Pharmacology and biochemistry